Saturday, August 28, 2010

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Thank you all for your encouragement and congratulations. It makes me feel so good and really helps keep me going strong. You are all heroes on my odyssey. *muah*

Hints that I should run a challenge. Hmmm... I'll have to give that some thought. Honestly, I am a terrible event organizer but I might. We'll see how things shape up. If I do, it will have to be Fall and Winter themed. And a long run, too. Like from the first of Autumn to New Year, or something. Let me think about it a bit more, if I do this, I will need to get it together pretty quickly, since the first day of Fall is in about 24? days.

I think about Fall but it is still very much Summer, here. Ugh! Heat. Humidity. Gross. Seriously. I am so over the heat. I am longing for cool, brisk days, fresh breezes, crisp, red apples, pumpkins and sweaters. I want to put comforters on the beds and curl up by my fireplace with a good book and a big old mug of something hot. It would be lovely to walk on a cool day with a bright, clear sky and the soft scent of woodsmoke from fireplaces and wood stoves scenting the air.

We got a major rainstorm, yesterday and ti rained last night, again and the ground at the lake was moosh. Hopefully it will be walkable, tomorrow. Husband won't walk along Willow Creek on the sidewalk, for some reason. *rolling my eyes* My hips are getting a good rest, tho and are feeling a good deal better. Too bad I can't say the same for my frakking head. I brushed my teeth, using my battery powered sonic type brush and instantly my head started pounding. Bad. I wonder if vibration is a trigger for me? I'll have to take note, before i brush, tonight and see if I ramp up and really start banging, again.

Food is on track, today. I had a can of Progresso Light clam chowder for lunch with some mini Saltines. 340 calories all together and worth every one! I am a chowder lover from way back and it is one thing I have really been missing. The Progresso is pretty good. Not stand a spoon in it thick, but it is fairly creamy. There are clams and potatoes and celery, too. I am a notorious soup doctoring fool, I never eat soup as it comes from the can. This chowder benefited from a little Tabasco, some buttery spray (oh, yeah... I was definitely a chowder and butter girl) and fresh cracked black pepper. These additions just jazzed it up and made me that much happier. You don't have to do these things... This soup actually is pretty nice, on it's own. And can hold over this chowder lover from diving into the too thick, rich, calorie bomb real stuff. :D

Well, I must run. I have towels to fold and darks to toss in my dryer and delicates to run through the wash. *sigh* Laundry day.  I don't really mind doing laundry, most days. It is making me a little nuts, today.

Okay... I'm going, now.

Later, gators! <3


  1. It would be great if you would start a challenge in the fall! I would definitely join in, it would help to keep on track during the holidays! Oh, I love fall...just reading your description has me longing for it to hurry and get here! I am so done with heat and humidity...we have had more than our fair share this year.

  2. I lived off of clam chowder when I was pregnant with my daughter...that and Edy's dreamery ice cream line. :) I am really enjoying the summer weather, but like you, I love fall as well. We'll get to see it before too long. :) Oh, and vibrating toothbrushes can trigger pain...I know this...with all I've been through in the past several months. I hope you feel better!

  3. I am a soup and chowder fanatic. That's another reason to look forward to the cooler weather--putting more soup, chowder, and chili on the menu!

    I found your blog off of Alan's "Almost Gastric Bypass Blog," and I'm glad I did. I look forward to following your progress.

    If you get a chance, my blog is

  4. Life just sounds good, excepting the head banger, of course. Your words drive home all the reasons autumn is my favorite season and always has been (even as a kid).

  5. Congrats on you success with the summer challenge. I am not sure if anyone else is doing it, but, the fact that you are (and finding success) is what is important.

    Our summers here in MN are pretty short. We have had a couple of weeks of high temps and humidity, so I know what you are talking about when you are looking forward to fall. Stay strong!

  6. I need another challenge - I'm addicted. And I haven't tried any online! I would love love love it if you organized one :)


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