Monday, June 24, 2013

Going Along Well Then...

Chips and Salsa

I was indulging in my new addiction. Sherlock, the British version and I was unthinking and did not stop with the chips and salsa. Otherwise my day wasn't too bad. I ate so many chips and salsa, William ate so many, Patrick at so may that there are no more chips left so I can't get myself into anymore trouble with crunchy, salty, white corn goodness.

Sadly, there are no more delicious Sherlock episodes on YouTube for me to goggle for free. Guess it is time for me to break down and get Netflix 'cause Mama needs more Sherlock. Mama needs all of the Sherlock.

In other entertainment news, we are Die Hard fans in this house. All of the movies have been watched time and again. Enjoyed, time and again. A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth offering was junk. Garbage. Terrible. It had a few okay moments but overall it was a big fat fail. I think it is safe to say that the Die Hard Franchise has jumped the shark.

There's clouds out there! Woot! I don't think that they will actually dump anything on us but they give me hope.


  1. Chips and Salsa are my weakness. My husband and I have been eating out at the same Mexican restaurant at least once a week, but usually more. We have our own table and when we walk in the server immediately brings a basket of chips, two salsas and our drink order before we even sit down. Um, this might have a thing or to do with my size.

    Have a great week.

    1. Chips and salsa so hard to stop. SMH You too. Thank you for reading. :)

  2. Sherlock....such an addiction. I, too am hooked and have completed all of the episodes. I wait impatiently until January 2014 when the new season will air on PBS...such a LONG wait!!

    1. Having to wait so long for favorite shows shouldn't be allowed. It really shouldn't. LOL


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