Wednesday, May 2, 2012


And doing laundry. Fun.

Coffee is going down and I am watching the finale of The Biggest Loser. I am annoyed about two of the finalists but what can I do about it? Nothing. I just have to be annoyed. Pudding Head and The Mouth Breather did the work. Too bad they were so unlikable and such asshats in the process. I am rooting for Kim.

Okay, I need to go put in another load and get my coffee and oatmeal. I also have a ton of photographs to edit for my nail blog. Back later with my Noms of the Day. :D

1 comment:

  1. I don't even watch it anymore. I guess I am burned out. Oh, and hubby has tried to find the mouse in my car but we can't find it. I am assuming it is in the dash somewhere??


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