Friday, May 7, 2010

WTF Blogger???

Is anyone else clicking on blogs on your blogroll and finding that you no longer follow that blog? It is happening to me all the time. I have to keep clicking to follow because I am "not" following when I know that I am.

Is weird.

And I am a little tired of it.


  1. I have seen a few people having issues with blogger lately. One lady lost her whole blog.
    Hope you get it straightened out..and hope its not me your not following lol.

  2. Chris, I have definitely been following you for a while, now. I had to re follow you a couple of times. If you don't see me on your list, I didn't dump you. Blogger just has something against me. lol


Talk to me! :D I love comments, enjoy discussion and debate. I wear my big girl panties and welcome constructive criticism. I do not accept anonymous comments. Not because I can't take the heat. I can. It is because I believe that if you are going to say it, you need to have the balls to put a name to it.

Please do not spam my comments. If you would like for me to check out your blog, if you follow me/have me on your blogroll and would like me to follow you/add you to my blogroll, please shoot me an e-mail with your blog URL. I will come visit :). Same goes if you are a company or PR. Please shoot me an e-mail. You can find my address in the contact tab at the top of my blog page. Thank you. :D