Saturday, February 19, 2011

Moar Snow

It started raining, last night. I could hear it, now and again and it made me feel all happy, peaceful and ready to sleep. When I woke up this morning it was still raining and all was right in my little world. Until I started doing my nails after my shower late this morning. I was sitting at my dressing table down in my room, applying a teabag patch to my right pinkie finger nail when I glanced up and out my window and discovered much to my horror that it was snowing. The temperature had dropped and the white stuff was dumping down. Hard and furious. It kept up until just a few minutes ago. The sun is trying to break through. I hope this means that the snow is over and will melt away soon.

This Winter I have made a discovery. I hate snow. Seriously. Hate. It.

Oh, it's pretty to look at but it is such a pain in the ass to live with and frankly, I don't want the bother of it. I hate being trapped on this hillside because the driveway is too dangerous to traverse. I hate the cold and I am ready to move to say... Hawaii, if anyone knows of a nice little house in my price range I could rent. Something close to the shore, but away from too touristy areas... Close to or in a large-ish city, open to the trade winds, a hop, skip and a jump from Kilauea. Yes, I am a bit of a lava junkie. And no, I don't think I am asking for too much. lol

So, I got on my scale. 295. Stuck. Totally my own fault. I know why and I am not blaming the DDY plan, this was my doing. And I am rectifying it. Yes, I am struggling a bit. I'll work through it. A challenge is a bad time to have your head go all to hell on you but it is what it is. I am not saying it is acceptable and I am not making excuses or serving up bullshit. I am just coming clean. Being accountable and plugging on. I am not giving up. I hope that my fellow challengers don't give up on me.

Willy Dog is on call this weekend and because of the snow all hell is breaking loose. He has been on the phone and running around since early this morning and it isn't letting up, yet. He is pissed. But resigned. I am delighted. Overtime is his friend and we could use the money. I have a head of hair that is in desperate need of a trip to a salon. :D

Oh noes! It is snowing again. Waaahhh...


  1. Sorry you are getting snow. It was partly sunny here today but mostly cloudy this afternoon. Plus, it was very cool so didn't enjoy my time out much. I will probably go completely psycho if we get more snow here. I'm DONE with it. Ready for some spring!

  2. hey! oh well..tomorrow is a new day...and it rained here today, leading me to believe it may indeed be an early spring. YEAH! lol.

  3. Sorry to hear about the snow...

    Look on the bright least you don't live in northern Alberta, Canada.

    We've had snow/ice since November....and no sign of melting yet :S

  4. We won't give up on you if you don't give up on yourself. Fix the issues and get back on track.

    14 inches of snow is headed my way. I GET hating snow. :-)

  5. Raining here too. But not cold, thank the Lord!


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