Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon

I am worked out, my house is sparkling clean, I had lunch, I am slurping my water at a high rate and I am planning to go do my nails in a little bit. That will take up some time, keep my hands busy and keep me out of the kitchen.

I did two miles on my glider. It was easier, today. My feet hurt a little less and my muscles are quickly running themseoves back in as I am less sore today than I was yesterday. Hips and knees are okay-ish. My left is kinda singing at me. But it isn't bad. I don't feel the need to take anything for it. I am happy with myself, ding this two days running. Now I need to make it three. And four and five and... On and on. Alternating glider and walking should be really good for me and help me reach my goal. And get me those plane tickets to New York. ;)

You know, when this challenge reaches it's end, winning a great prize wouldn't hurt my feelings. But a prize isn't my prime objective. Getting this frakking fat off my body, getting healthy and getting my life back, getting myself back will be my prize. Plane tickets, spa treatments, iPods and Kindles are all well and good and I certainly wouldn't turn my nose up at any of them but if none of them come my way, I know that a much lower number on the scale will and that is enough for me. :D

No, my halo isn't that shiny. lolol  Really. But I am realistic and I have a goal for this odyssey. Anything else that might come my way as a result is gravy. And as far as gravy is concerned, I can take it or leave it. It is nice but not necessary.

Okay, I am going to pee and get to work on my nails. I am thinking Valentine's pink.. Maybe some glittah... A little stamping... A crystal or three? Overkill rawks. ^^


  1. Ok, I see on your blog that you do your nails alot, so I need some tips. What base and topcoat do you use, and what brands of polish are best to resist chipping? I feel like I have to touch up my nails everyday.

    Polar's Mom

  2. While Allan managed to snag some amazing prizes (holy moly!!!), the biggest prize for me is NOT BEING OBESE!!!!!

    Let's do it!!!!

  3. Doesn't it feel good to have accomplished that exercise? When I used to run, I always dreaded it but eventually got into a zone. I lost weight so quickly then and I felt so good when I was done. Now? Nothing works properly, everything hurts (danged fibro and arthritis!), and I'm a sloth. Sigh..


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