Thursday, February 24, 2011

Suck it Up, Bitch!

Rather than eating my feelings (I am not battling with old emotional issues, this is more current) I got on my glider and beat myself up for a while. After cool down and drinking a lot of water, I made lunch of salad, scrambled egg and whites and salsa and nourished myself with some filling, much needed protein. I feel better, now and less whiny.

While my shit is more current, it isn't going to be helped by whining and eating shit I have no business eating. Instead, I am trying to just let it go and move on. I am going to go take a long, hot shower in a bit. Clarify my hair and do a pedicure. That will make me feel even better. :D

Hugs to all of you.


  1. Way to get back in there, Erika. I spent some time on my glider today too and I feel much better about things. Enjoy your shower and your pedicure.:)

  2. I love your get up and get it done attitude.

  3. Good for you for doing something positive rather than eating your feelings. :>

  4. WAAAAAAAY TOOOO GOOOOO! I love happy endings like this: people who use their emotions to fuel a bangin' workout (instead of a binge session with food).

    I LOVE IT!

  5. Kicking your ass is good for ME. I worked my ass off on the treadmill again today and thought of you. You go girl.

  6. I forgot my workout clothes and didn't get to go to the gym, then ate mexican food for dinner.. NOT Good! Even if it did taste good. My stomach automatically started revolting...crazy!

  7. If you're not already, consider tracking your menstrual cycle to make sure your more difficult days don't coincide with your PMS time, that could help you work around it if that is one of the issues...


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