Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tired, Tonight

Yawn! When Willy Dog got home from work, we went out to the lake and did two miles. It felt good to get out and walk on the trails. The last time we were out there was Christmas Day. There were only a few others out there, I was expecting the trails to be busier, since it was a perfect afternoon for a walk. Sunny, breezy and sixty-five degrees.

I was walking along the lower tail of Normal Trail and found myself longing to run so I allowed myself to run a little. I still can't go very fast and and can't go very long, but I ran a little and when I felt like dropping back to a walk, I pushed myself to run just a little farther before resuming my walk pace. A part of me really, really wants to run. And run and run. I know that it is unlikely I will ever be able to run for any real distance, due to my hips and knees but a little now and then might be good for me. I am going to try to run a little every time I go out to the trails.

Food was much. much better, today. 1220 calories and I almost got all of my water, too. So, yeah... Better.

Yes, I will post pictures when I do finally get a chance to go have my hair done. :D


  1. Thank you for the entertainment.Love those puffy clouds...so sweet and lovely:) Kisses and hugs, darling
    i will be much missed.
    Scarves Scarves

  2. ah vicky was here too...i think she's a crack head. Keep your purse close. lol.
    I love running. It feels free.

  3. Vicky I think every single one of us weight loss folks have that same desire to "run". I know its the toughest on those that physically can't because of some health issues.

    I use to be that way, with my neuropathy. Give yourself time to lose the weight and then try and I bet your successful because I am. I started just like you and now I can run a full 5K. Hang in there girl, it'll happen!

  4. Gosh so much has happened since I last read! I am so sorry to hear of your fall and hope you aren't feeling lasting effects! Love that you've commandeered the master suite! 'Bout time; you deserve it! I am envying your prospective pampering at the salon!!


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