Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Pretty Day

Happy Saturday, everyone. It is a pretty day here. Sunny and mid sixties, today.

I am on track, food is good, water is going down and I did two miles on my glider this morning. I wanted to go longer but I just didn't have the time. I know... Working out is important and I have to learn to make the time. I do, most days. And I did exercise. So... :P Tomorrow is rest day. I'll get some exercise since I am planning to get out and do some shopping. I hope...

Other than that, I don't have much to talk about. I think I wore myself out, yesterday doing BYOC. lol


  1. Thanks for the comment today, I'm loving the hair too, and it was warm enough outside to melt half of the snow today, hopefully tomorrow the rest will melt and We'll be able to see the ground.

  2. Uh oh - I'll try to make BYOC easier next week. You know Erika, I wasn't going to work out but for some reason after reading this post - I'm going to. If you can commit to it - so can I. Thank you.

  3. LOL...I promise not to change BYOC! Love ya!

  4. Hi
    I'm thinking about getting a glider after reading what you posted and looking at the links. Karen ordered one and i was going to see what she thought of it. The less expensive one on Amazon sounded like yours and may have free shipping. If you have time tomorrow can you take a look at it. Thanks Tobi

  5. Ooh, a shopping day today. Enjoy Erika!

  6. I shopped on Saturday and was more exhausted from that than from any of the challenge exercises. Take it easy shopping. I completely shot my hip while shopping yesterday.


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