Thursday, December 16, 2010

Current Weight

309.4, down 4.8 from my last scale session. I last weighed two weeks ago, but I believe that the bulk of this loss happened in this last week.

Stay on track. Lose weight.

What a concept.

It is rainy and cold, this morning. Dark and grey and just beautiful. I have a cup of tea and two huge tumblers of water beside me and I think it is going to be a pretty good day.

I hope that your day shapes up great. And, if you are weighing, today that you have good news.

Later. :D


  1. Great job on the weight loss! No matter when it happened, it happened, and in a big way! Even over 2 weeks, that's awesome!! :)

    And I'm loving weather right now too, as long as I'm inside.. lol

  2. BRAVO!!!

    Congratulations on the loss, and I'm glad you're enjoying your morning! I hope the rest of your day turns out to be just as good! :D

  3. Awesome job on the weight loss!!!

  4. Whoooo Hoooo!! Way to GO!!! Great loss!

  5. Wishing you a good day, Erika. I wish I shared your enjoyment of the gray days but I much prefer the sunshine, even when it is cold out. I'm on my second bottle of water. Cheers!

  6. Forgot to say congrats on the loss! You are doing great. Sticking to my plan does work. I need to get that stuck firmly in my HEAD.

  7. Good work Erika! You're rockin it, as usual! Maybe you'll see the 200's before the end of the year! I'm cheering for you!

  8. Yeah baby!!! Soooooo close to the 200's! Can't wait to celebrate with you! :)

  9. Congrats on the huge weight loss love! 5 lbs in 2 weeks is amazing...ESPECIALLY during this time of year. You are my hero. :)

    And thank you, thank you for your kind words on my blog- I appreciate your support so much! xoxo

  10. Way to go on the weight loss. You are doing great. You need to send me some good vibes so I could get back on track with my weight loss.

  11. GREAT job, Erika! I can see the 2's for you. And soon.

  12. Such a great're so on track and it's inspiring to read!

  13. Aw. thank you, everyone. <3

    Dutch, I am definitely sending good vibes to everyone.

  14. That's terrific news about the weight loss. And 1285 calories is also terrific. On that, you'll be in the 2's soon enough.

    By any chance are you involved with Alan's board? There's someone with your same first name on there, and he reads her blog. I thought it might be you, but there are others with your name. The reason I ask is because of the water. You're doing so well with it.

  15. That's a very good news to hear from your avid reader. I'm glad that you are really making your way into where you have to be. I'm sure you'll be as firm and curve as your favorite celebrity sooner. Also, I would like to give you some tips(which actually comes from my Phoenix gastric bypass surgeon) He told me that eating more protein and more fibers will help me eliminate fat and generate muscle at the same time with my exercise.


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