Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December :D

Good morning, all. I hope that you awoke to this new month full of purpose and with a smile.

I am full of purpose. But not smiling. I slept like shit. Had to get up and pee at least three times (stupid sodium bloat bidding me bye-bye) my cat hacked up under my bed (gross!) and my dog barfed all over my laundry room floor (super gross!). I had my son get the dog barf, this morning. I couldn't bear the thought of it. Bleargh!

I need a vacation. Somewhere warm and isolated. A beach... A white sugar sand beach... The ocean softly gliding up and tickling my toes... A big, huge umbrella... A lounger piled with cushions... A little side table... A good book and a cabana boy to bring me tall, frosty, fruity, exotic drinks and caramels and cater to my every whim and give me pedicures. No... Make that an entire flock of cabana boys to bring me tall, frosty, fruity, exotic drinks and caramels and cater to my every whim and give me pedicures. (Do cabana boys run in flocks???) No husband, no son, no dog, no cat, no housework, no frakking cooking, no puke. The jet leaves at five. Anyone who wants to come with, be packed and at the private airport at four. :D (In my fantasies, I always fly private! ;))


I love that Tassimo Brew Bot commercial. That adorable little bot makes me want one of those coffee makers.

Woah! I just realised that Hanukkah begins tonight. For everyone who celebrates,

*** Happy Hanukkah! ***

 For the record, I celebrate Christmas. All month long. (Duh! :D) And I say Merry Christmas. If you celebrate another holiday, just tell me so and I will cheerfully wish you a Happy *insert your choice of holiday, here*. I am easy. I love holidays and I love to celebrate and I am perfectly happy to jump all over all kinds of holidays. :D

Okay. Time for another cup of wake up juice. And some brekkie. And maybe a search for some cutsie animated Christmas images to add to my blog. 'Cause I don't have it decorated enough, yet. :P


  1. Happy December to you too! Can't believe we only have a month till 2011. This year went by incredibly fast!

    Waking up to copious amounts of animal barf is probably not the ideal way to get you in the mood for the holidays, lol, but at least you can laugh about it :)

    So, I'll meet you at the airport around 4, right? ;)

  2. Take meeeeee... I neeed some warm weather!!

  3. That is so exciting to meet someone just as excited about the holidays as me. Most people are just not into it at all. The sooner the better the tree and decorations the better! Can't believe it is Dec. Def. have to make the most of all the days leading up to the 25th

  4. Happy December, Erika. It is a bitter-sweet month this year. My baby will turn 21 in a few days. Where has the time gone? I can't be this old.

  5. Girl - what did I tell you about blogging about barf? LOL
    And guess what? I talked to Jenny today and we talked about YOU. She asked how my nails were (now that acrylics are off) and we both said oh I hope IQ answers our nail questions soon! Were your ears ringing?

  6. Lisa, you are so on board! :D

    Karen, it is hard to have them grow up. But it is liberating, too. I love my son. I loved him as a kid and I am tickled pink that he is grown, now. :)

    Shanilie, this year has flown, hasn't it? We are holiday kindred spirits. :D

    Drazmatazz, I answered you in comments on your blog. And yes, I do believe that my ears were burning... :P :D


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Please do not spam my comments. If you would like for me to check out your blog, if you follow me/have me on your blogroll and would like me to follow you/add you to my blogroll, please shoot me an e-mail with your blog URL. I will come visit :). Same goes if you are a company or PR. Please shoot me an e-mail. You can find my address in the contact tab at the top of my blog page. Thank you. :D