Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well, Fiddle Dee Dee

Methinks I am experiencing my very first ever plateau. My scale told me that I am still 325.2, this morning. I know that I am not eating enough calories to maintain my weight so there is no other explanation I can come up with.

I have lost seventy-five pounds... Maybe my bod has decided that it is time for a good, old fashioned stall. (Stupid bod, anyway.) I am frustrated but I am not discouraged. I am not going to fly off the rails and do something stupid or harmful. I am just going to stay on track, keep on keeping on and sooner or later, this stall will break and my numbers will be headed in the right direction, once again.



I lied. I do feel a bit discouraged and I am mad and, funnily enough, a bit sad. This will pass. But I guess I need to pout and wallow a little.

Sorry to be a Dippy Downer. (I don't like to say Debbie Downer. I read blogs by lovely Debbies and they are anything but a downer! :D) I'll get over myself and be just fine.

Action plan:

Stay on track.

Get out and walk more consistently, again. I have been allowing life to get in the way of my exercise, again. Time to turn that back around. Exercise is more important. So is my health, dammit!

Okay, I think I have whined enough, for now. 


  1. I hope the plateau doesn't last for too long! I haven't ever experienced it before, probably because I've never lost much in my lifetime. But I hope it won't happen for a longggg time. Hang in there!

  2. Keep on doing what you're doing. Don't stop!! Everyone hits a plateau. The best thing to do is to just plan on it happening and keep pushing through it. The weight will start coming off again when your body adjusts. I promise!

  3. I'm new to your blog so I'm wondering if you do the calorie cycling at all... 3 days eating for weight loss and the 4th day eating more than that so your body doesn't go into storage mode instead of burning mode.

    I've also found that I stall if I slow down on drinking water.

    I hope this helps!

  4. We anorexics, if we're dieting and not fasting, do the 2468 diet. That's a variety of daily intake from 200-800 calories to prevent plateauing. I'm not sure it works, and wouldn't presume to tell you to increase cals for a couple of days, though. My opinion really is that exercise kickstarts weight gain out of a plateau better than anything else. And it sure is healthier than what anorexics/ED do. You're on an extremely healthful diet, so I wouldn't change that. After all, you don't want an electrolyte imbalance and subsequent heart attack.

    You must have the cleanest house in the country. You're impressive in so many ways, but that sure is a top one.

  5. This is what the muscle head at the gym told me. Go for a walk and walk normally. then take a walk the next day that is really really slow. Then the next day go really fast with maybe some jogging in there (HA! I don't run!). It will keep your body going and on its tows. Plateaus stink!

  6. First of all, CONGRATS ON THE 75 POUNDS!! That is an amazing accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself!

    I have been in your shoes. There were so many times I would fail and fall back into bad habits. But you can't beat yourself up over it. Just be like Scarlett...tomorrow is another day ;)

    I'm a few follower. I'd love for you to stop by and say hi. I've lost 95 pounds so far :)

  7. Be strong, Lady - and keep on keeping on!! This too shall pass.. I am so amazed and proud of you that you've lost 75 pounds already - what an incredible accomplishment - Congratulations!

  8. Holy crap I didn't realize you'd already lost 75 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ROCKSTAR!! :)

    Hang in there girl...plateaus suck, but they ALWAYS break if you just stay consistent. :)

  9. 75 pounds is crazy good!! One week a month I lose zero...that is the week I am on my period. The other 3 weeks I lose 2 or 3 pounds. Hang in there.

  10. If you are still stuck next week, I agree, change up your exercise a bit-nothing too drastic.

    Polar's Mom

  11. Just don't give up, whatever you do! You've had some good advice here. I haven't anything to add, except to say I feel your pain. I had a 3-week "pause" in September. This too shall pass.

  12. 75 pounds, Erika, 75 pounds!!! Do you comprehend just what a great accomplishment that really has been? You know that this plateau will pass, I know you do, so just keep doing what you're doing, do try to get some exercise, and remember that you are The Queen of Awesome!

  13. It sounds like a plateau to me. My suggestion? Cheat. Have one all out anything you want to eat meal and then get back on plan. That should make your body think things are back to the old way and you will bust the plateau. That is what I do and it works every time. Our bodies adapt to consistency and if you have been too on plan then it is has figured you out. Throw it for a loop.

  14. 75 lbs is AWESOME. Sounds like some retail therapy may be in order.


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