Sunday, January 30, 2011

One. Fucking. Pound?

In two weeks.

One fucking pound.

In two fucking weeks????


I follow my plan.

I drink enough water to float a battleship.

And I lose one fucking pound in two weeks.

Do I cry or do I throw my scale against a wall?

I am so talking to my doctor about this fucking puffing up shit. My ankles, feet, hands, wrists are all nice and bloaty, this morning.

I knew I should have weighed yesterday. I felt less puffy, yesterday.


To say I am frustrated right now would be a major fucking understatement.

I am going to drink my coffee and sulk, now.


  1. OMG - that would piss me off too. Your feelings are valid...I hope the doc gives you some insight.

  2. I do the same thing, lose 2 gain 1 lose 1 gain 2. And I watch my calories, exercise and drink water all day. Argh!

  3. Maybe you are eating to much salt? (you mentioned being so bloated.) one pound is one pound. Hold a pound of beans or meat and remember that you lost that much fat off your body. :) This will pass.

  4. I feel your pain. I have been fighting bloat lately too. It's a bitch. Hope the doc has some insight for you. Are you still taking BP medicine? I know when I was on it a few years ago, my doc put my on a water pill as well. Maybe that's causing the bloat? Good luck with finding relief from the bloat.

  5. I'm sorry, Erika. Try not to get discouraged. Hugs. :)

  6. Hang in there - tis the season for puffy.. I forgot what my face looks like without the puff..

  7. I'm so sorry too and I def. think you should go to the doctor. At least you know you are doing the right thing and as much as you probably don't want to hear it, a pound is still a pound. Sorry, I know that sounds cliche :P Anyways, keep us informed and let us know if the doctor can do anything!

  8. As with the others...can so relate. Last week, I worked out every single day (and worked our hard..such as 62 minutes on the stairmaster...62 MINUTES!!!) At weigh in yesterday, I was up 2.6 lbs. And the nice lady (at Weight Watchers) actually asked if I expected that?!?!?!?!? WTF? I totally worked my a$$ off...and ate 100% on plan...and up 2.6 lbs.??? Hopefully it's just PMS or something...if something doesn't give next week (like the scale, for example) am pretty sure that I will go ballistic in the Weight Watchers meeting...stay tuned!!!

    (Sorry about the tirade...and you knew you weren't alone...but hopefully you get some answers!!!).

  9. Well there is always time for a good pity party..espeically if you add coffee to it. Just remember though a pound is a pound and that when it comes down to it we would all take that small of a loss over what we would have been doing which would be a sizeable gain! Hang in there. Maybe go buy some new nailpolish to help you over this bummed out feeling!

  10. This is deeply comforting to me. I am very very new to this world of weight loss and health. You are amazing with a 100 pound weight loss in a year. And to see that you also plateau, even when you are doing everything you need to be doing, helps me in where I am in the beginning of what will be a very long journey. Thank you for your candor. Thanks for letting me read and be inspired. xo GP


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