Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feeling a Bit Beat to Shit

Hello everyone. I hope that this finds you all well and keeping cool. :D

We went for our walk tonight and thankfully, Husband's roids weren't raging, so we were able to do the full two miles. It felt good, but now I am sore and my poor widdle feet hurt. Miss a walk and I get all stove up. lol  I am glad that I got out there and got it done. I feel better and I am not feeling guilty and as if I am neglecting myself.

It was ninety degrees when we hit the trails, tonight. Whew! Thankfully, there was a bit of wind that helped to cool us a little so it wasn't too bad. But it was still warm. I drank plenty of water while out there and slowed or stopped to get my breath, when I needed to. I want to keep moving as much as I can, but I am not willing to hurt myself because I am not listening to my bod. Husband and Son always walk quite a ways ahead of me and I trail along behind, just going at my own pace. Every now and then, they stop and wait for me to chug up and reach them and then off we go, again. It's kinda sad and kinda funny.

I am not ashamed or worried about it, tho. I don't give a dang what other people think. I am out there for me. And when I start to get down on myself because I am slower and have to rest occasionally, I remember that considering how bad shape I have been in and how much I still weigh, I am not doing too badly. In fact, I am damned lucky. I am not debilitated, I can walk and move, shop, clean my house and so forth.

My hips are bugging me a lot, tonight and the top of my left foot, too. Some Advil and a good night's sleep should set me right.

Can you believe that tomorrow begins Fourth of July Weekend? I am looking forward to fireworks on Sunday night. We live not too far from Pioneer Park where the fireworks get shot off. We just go outside on our front deckony (I call it a deckony, since it is a cross between a deck and a balcony) and have a front row view. No driving around looking for a spot to watch from, no scrambling for a parking spot, walking a long way from that spot, No crowds, noise, overtired melting down babies and toddlers screaming. (I don't hate babies and toddlers... I just don't like to listen to them scream. lol) And when the fireworks are over, no getting stuck in the rush of traffic to get home. We just sit and watch the bumper to bumper fun.

I am planning healthy and yummy Fourth of July munchies. The others will have the usual and I am going to have a turkey burger, with lo fat cheese on a whole grain thin bun, light mayo, lots of lettuce and so forth. I am going to prepare fruit and I would also like to grill some veggies. I would also like to grill some shrimp. I love shrimp and haven't had any in a long while. If company comes over, I'll make dip and cracker spread with light sour cream and cream cheese. They will be healthier and still taste good. I think that this will be a delicious and on track holiday. :D

Weight in day for the Summer Challenge, tomorrow. I was eyeing my sea salt grinder while putting my dinner together, earlier. But I left it sitting where it was. What I ate had plenty of salt, it didn't need more. And laying off extra salt can't hurt. lol

Okay, this is turning into a dissertation. Probably time to STFU.

Later, lovebugs!


  1. great plan for the 4th. Great job on the walk. Someday it won't be so easy for them to outdistance you.

  2. YOU SAID:
    "I don't give a dang what other people think. I am out there for me."

    That's the right attitude! Keep up the good work.

  3. hell to the YES :)
    nothing in life---from fitness to family---works if we are trying to do it or live it for other people.

    Have a great weekend.

    xo xo


  4. So glad you got your usual 2 miles in! Woohoo!!! You are such a go getter!! I am so not one for fireworks. The noise really bothers my ears. Like you, I also can't tolerate squalling kids. Just sets all my nerve endings to crawling. Amazing that I had kids, isn't it? Wishing you luck on today's weigh in, though I know your hard work will continue to pay off in spades! You rock!

  5. Love your attitude and sounds like a great plan for the holiday! Good going!!

  6. *hugs for all* Thanks, everyone.

  7. Put the sea salt down, Erika. Turn around. Walk away. Good girl!

  8. So we're all coming to your house for the 4th of July next year, right?!

    Great job on the 2 mile walks!! I can't keep up with my husband either. However, right now he still has his knee brace and has to use a cane so for the past 2 wks I've been able to walk faster than him....that feels pretty damn good! LOL

  9. So, what you're saying Amey is that I need to take out one of my husband's knees? ^^


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